Lord Teignmouth’s Life of Sir William Jones


Teignmouth, Lord: Memoirs of the Life, Writings, and Correpondence of Sir William Jones. Sold by John Hatchard [London] 1804 4to

Engraved portrait frontis of Jones (by Evans after A W Devis, Calcutta), plate of facsimile writing, xiv.531pp. Contemporary full leather gilt, s few minor marks and bumps to the boards, a little weekness to the upper joint but generally very good copy of the first edition of this work. spme occasopnal off setting. Written by the former Governor General of India [as Sir John Shore, Bart from 1793 to 1798]. An important biography of the giant of Oriental scholarship, who was a joint founder of the Asiatic Society of Bengal, and a pioneer of Sanskrit studies. This was a period of very lively interest in Orientalism and Sir William Jones and Sir John Shore were founder members of the Asiatic Society of Bengal. The great linguist and orientalist Sir William Jones [1746-1794] achieved a huge amount in his relatively short life and is buried in the glorious Park Street Cemetary in Calcutta [now Kolkata], A handsome addirion to any library.  jul19/1   RESERVED 9th January 2025
