Almanack of Scotland and British Register for 1814.


The General Almanack of Scotland, and British Register, for 1814…also, the … East India Lists, Peerage of Ireland, &c. …and the British Army and Navy. J. Thomson, Jun. and Co. [Edinburgh] 1814, 1st edition 12mo [5½ x 3½ ins].                                         Folding map of Europe [one fold split and repaired from behind with archival tape], 336pp including Index. Contemporary full crimson leather gilt in sound condition, all edges gilt, internally clean, contemporary ownership signature to ffep M. Ferguson. Although the East India Lists are short this volume gives an invaluable view of Britain at a crucial time just before the fall of Napoleon. There are 8pp listing RN ships with thier number of guns and name of commanders as well as quite extensive Army Lists.  An unusually good copy of a title which usually comes in very worn, dired out calf.    may13/1

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