Pre-Napoleonic map of Germany, Nuremberg 1786


Neue und vollstendige Post Karte durch ganz Deutschland und durch die angränzenden Theile der benachbarten Lånder aufs accurateste zusammen getragen von verschiedenen übersehen wohl corrigiret, ausgefertiget und mit Allergenādigsten Kaiserlichen Privilegio von denen Homaennischen Erben in Nūrnberg, 1786.  

Nouvelle Carte Geographique des Postes d’Allemagne et des Provinces limitrophes avec Privilege de S M T aux fraix des Heritiers de Homan a Nuremberg 1786.

Dedicated to Herrn Carl Anselm, H R R Fürsten von Thurn und Taxis. Folding map, dissected, linen backed, coloured in outline, unfolding to a size of 39 x30 ins [990x 760mm]. The map folds down in 32 plates to a size of 7½ x 5ins [190 x 120mm] and fits into aúcontemporary card slip case with some minior wear and with hand written label GERMANY 1786. A very attractive map with titles and explanations in German and French and the dedication to the Prince of Thūrn & Taxis with elaborate decorative armorial embellishment.The map shows the Low Countries and France as far west as Brie and to Warsaw in the east. The central part of the map extends south as far as Turin and Venice. It is in clean condition and the linen is perfectly sound. feb26/5    SOLD 4th June 2024
