Earl of Elgin, Viceroy of India 1862-63. Letters and Journals.


Walrond, Theodore [Editor]: Letters and Journals of James, Eighth Earl of Elgin, Governor of Jamaica, Governor-General of Canada, Envoy to China, Viceroy of India.Withpreface by Arthur Penrhyn Stanley. John Murray [London] 1872 2nd edition 8vo.

xii.467pp, 20pp Mr Murray’s Quarterly List. Original red-brown cloth gilt with additional black decoration, a very good copy, oval gilt stamp to upper board FACULTY of PROCURATORS in GLASGOW but no other library stamping or marks, contemporary bookseller’s ticket of Maclehose, St Vincent’s St. Glasgow to front pastedown. Of the 16 chapters five deal with the First Mission to China (Preliminaries – Canton – Tientsin – Japan – Yangtze Kiang), three with the Second Mission to China (Outward – Pekin – Homeward), and the final two with his brief career as Viceroy of India. Scarce. may6/2

James Bruce, 8th Earl of Elgin & 11th Earl of Kincardine [1811-1863] had a diplomatic career, being Governor of Jamaica and Governor General of Canada before being sent on a mission to China, shortly after which he was made Viceroy of India in 1862 by Lord Palmerston, the first Viceroy to be directly appointed y the Government. A heart attack in high altitude ended his Viceregal career the following year and he was buried at Dharamsala. His son was to be Viceroy towards the end of the century,

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