Marquess Wellesley viewing an elephant fight, c 1824 print


Marquiss Wellesley & his Suite at the Nabob of Oude’s Breakfast Table, viewing an Elephant Fight.

The coloured print comes from a defective and damaged copy of The Costumes and Customs of Modern India by Charles D’Oyley and Capt Thomas Williamson published about 1824 by Edward Orme of Bond Street, London. The page size was 14½ x 10¼ ins but the very degraded and chipped outer areas beyond the plate mark have been cut away leaving the reduced margins/ Th coloured image itself, around 4¾ x 4 ins, is little affected. The plate, number was number 20 from the book, will still look very good when trimmed, backed, and  put into a frame or window mount. The engraving was done by Clark & Dubourg. A full description of the book appears in Abbey Travel 440.  The colouring of the plate is especially well done and the view shows the Nawab and his guests watching the fight across a lake or river.  jun10/1

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