Rules for fishing and hunting trips to Kashmir, 1945


Notes for Visiotrs to Kashmir. Issued by the Visitors’ Bureau His Highness’ Government Jammu and Kashmir. [Srinagar] 1945 8vo [8 x 6½ ins]

2pp errata, 1p printed in red (importation of guns, motors, houseboats, etc), ii (contents), 158pp. Disbound [assuming there were otiginally paper covers], title and rear pages somewhat foxed, corners of some pages from front curled but reasonably clean. Not a guide book but including some material that overlaps with one. As well as general description etc the contents include: accommodation, govt and private institutions, motor and lorry suppliers, repairers, road tolls, customs duties, rules on importation of arms and ammunition, income tax, wheel tax rules, camping site rules, mooring site rules, tongas, travel limitations in Ladakh & Gilgit, frontier rules, big game nullahas, shooting areas, small game licences, fishing licences, trout waters for 1944, charges for setting up heads and skins, forest rest houses. A fascinating insight into the traditional area favoured by so many British officials and soldiers on long leave.   nov29/1

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