Universal Scots Almanack, 1796, with details of Scots Volunteer Units and some details of the East India Company


The Universal Scots Almanack, for the Year 1796…with Complete Lists , and a correct Kalendar…. Printed by Robert Allan, Publisher of The Caledonian Mercury. [Edinburgh] 1796. 1st edition 12mo [5 x 2¾ ins].

216pp. Contemporary calf boards scuffed and wear with loss at top and bottom of spine and across a strip of the front board, the glue between the two part card boards has failed but they could easily be re-glued, . The work contains a calendar and the usual lists including educational establishments, advocates, courts, Scots peers and baronets, church officials, roads through Scotland, stage coaches, English Parliament, Army List [officers by regiment], brief East India details, &c. As well as the regular army this edition lists officers of the Scotch Brigade [colonel: Francis Dundas, based in Gibraltar] and Regts of Scots Fencible Men [Sutherland, Argyllshire, Beadalbane, &c], Scots Fencible Cavalry [Haddingtonshire, Fifeshire, &c], Scots Volunteer Corps [Royal Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leith, Paisley, Banff, Perth, Dunbar, &c. These were units of volunteers formed in response to the fears of invasion during the French Revolutionary Wars. Although these little almanacks were produced annually the contents often varied and this edition is particularly useful in its information on the Scots Volunteer forces.  oct22/2

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