East India Register 1830, 2nd edition corrected to 15th May 1830


The East India Register and Directory for 1830; containing complete Lists of the Company’s Servants, with their respective Appointments; with Indexes to the Same, and Lists of Casualties….Births, Marriages and Deaths in India…List of the Proprietors of East India qualified to vote … compiled by Permission of the East India Company…by G. H. Brown and F. Clark of the Secretary’s Office, East India House. 2nd Edition corrected to 15th May 1830.  Parbury, Allen, and Co. [London] 1830 small 8vo.

lxvii, 201pp Bengal including 4pp casualties. 162pp Madras including 4pp casualties, 139pp Bombay including 2pp casualties, 33pp advertisements,&c.  Contemporary scarlet straight grain morocco gilt, all edges gilt, very clean test clock, both hinges split before the original marbled endpapers.   Fully indexed lists of all serving and retired officers in the three Presidency armies, together with lists of civil servants, Indian Navy officers (down to Midshipmen), government officials, etc. A feature of the Register is the list of annual casualties with date and place of death, etc. This volume was published when the Lord William Cavendish Bentinck, G.C.B., G.C.H, was Governor General and the Earl of Dalhousie was Commander-in-chief. This style of binding is the pattern favoured by Company members during most of the period of publication. sep23/1

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